Leisure Game Pak 1
Leisure Game Pak I.iso
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150 lines
World Quest
Version 1.0
Shareware 1993
Release date: January 10th, 1993
Copyright 1993 WordUp Software Productions
VGA monitor
Joystick optional
SoundBlaster optional
Hard disk recommended
***** Software Agreement *****
The shareware version is intended to be passed around to as many users
as possible. It may be copied freely, and uploaded to any location you
wish to send it. If you enjoy this game, registration costs $15.00.
Upon registration, you will receive the final six worlds to conquer.
The registered version also included a secret cheat password which
allows you to start at any level, and have unlimited lives.
To register your copy, print order.frm, fill it in, and send it along
with your registration fee to:
WordUp Software Productions
94 Andover Drive
London, ONTARIO, Canada
N6J 3X2
Game Configuration
The first time you run World Quest, you must configure the game.
Questions will be asked about your hardware abilities. Just follow
through the prompts and fill in the questions. If you don't know which
options to use for the SoundBlaster, refer to your installation software
which came with the SoundBlaster card.
If you select to use a joystick, the main menu options are controlled
by moving the joystick, instead of the arrow keys. Opening and closing
screens can be continued by pressing the joystick button instead of any key
on the keyboard.
Once you have configured the game, the options will not appear again. To
reconfigure the game, delete the file wq.cfg and run it again.
Main Menu
The menu is so simple that you probably won't need to read this document.
Use the arrow keys (or joystick) to select an option, and hit return
(or press joystick button) to execute the option.
High scores are viewed only from the main menu. To reset the high score
table, delete the file high.sco.
After reading the info on the main menu, select start game to begin
your quest. You must venture around the surface of several planets,
in order to destroy the aliens populating the area. Once you've
secured the planet, your race can begin rebuilding its own cities.
Game Controls
Arrow keys: Move ship
CTRL: Shoot missiles
ALT: Drop bomb
Joystick: Move ship
Button 1: Shoot missiles
Button 2: Drop bomb
Space: Drop nuke
Esc: End game
F1: Pause game
F2: SB Music on/off
F3: SB New song
F4: SB Effects on/off
About World Quest
World Quest was created with the WordUp Graphics Toolkit V3.2.
This toolkit was created to help programmers easily design games or
other graphic intensive programs. It features:
-320x200x256 color VGA mode (best for games)
-Graphics primitives
-points,lines,rectangles,bars,circles, and more
-4 way scrolling library:
-VISUALLY design game worlds up to 255x200 tiles
-Have up to 1000 sprites moving within game world
(this game only uses 150 sprites!)
-Fast scrolling in any direction
-Sprite library
-used with static backgrounds
-up to 40 independantly animating and moving sprites
-set up movement and animation once with a few commands
and sprites continue to move on their own
-movements and animation can repeat any number of times
-Drop down menu library
-Graphical menu system with source code (registered)
-Input routines
-Mouse and joystick routines are both included
-Palette manipulation
-Load, save and rotate palettes
-Image transfer
-FAST transers with copy or 'xray' mode
-Special effects
-resize, warp, wipe, skew, flip and fade images
-FLI playing library
-Play FLI files from memory (registered)
-Use sprite library to show sprites overtop of FLI as
it is playing!
-Perform special effects on FLI, eg resize FLI as it plays
-Custom fonts
-Edit the included fonts or design your own!
-Timing controls
-Slow down fast computers so your game runs at the same
speed regardless of the computer it is played on
-WGT library
-Combine all graphics data (or ANY data) into one large
password protected library file. This protects your
graphics from other users of WGT.
-All routines have full clipping
-Requires Turbo C++ or Borland C++
To get a shareware copy of the WordUp Graphics Toolkit, either send us $5 for
shipping and handling, find it on a local BBS, or call our support BBS, SoftNet.
SoftNet's phone numbers are listed in support.doc.